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        S4 allows the soccer athlete to learn Moves in a simple Step by Step format.  These moves create more time and space to make a better decision, along with beating your defender.  Eventually these moves will become a natural part of your game, making you stand out from your competition!  S4 provides the tools to create a confident soccer player!
S4 trains 1-on-1, small groups, and many teams use S4 as one of their weekly trainings!
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Why S4

Step by Step Soccer School, better known as S4, is the ONLY Soccer Training Program dedicated solely to  Foot Skills.  S4 is taught in a "Step-by-Step" approach so even a 4 year old can learn it.  We teach 4 year olds to the college athlete!  Let S4 take your Game to a whole New Level! 
Why is it that every team only has that 1 or 2 athletes who have a few soccer moves in there arsenal.  What about the other 15 kids?  Unfortunately, many coaches were never taught these critical moves, so your kids are not being taught these moves.  Once the move is learned through our Step by Step approach, we repeat the moves in various ways to get the timing of the move correct.  Repetition is key.  Our goal (no pun intended) is that each move becomes a natural part of their game!
Once we see that the student has mastered the move, we then teach tactically where and when to use the move on the field. 
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Why S4?

Don't Be Left Behind

Do you remember when basketball had players on the court that were very 1 dimensional?  Your point guard was usually the only good dribbler on the court.  Your off-guard was only a good shooter.  Well times have changed and now all five players are expected to be  able to dribble and shoot. 


Soccer is the same way. Whether you are a  forward, defender, or midfielder,  you are expected to have enough moves in your arsenal to create enough space and time to make good decisions, and beat defenders when necessary.  


Unfortunately, many coaches do not teach these moves, and the soccer athlete is left to learn these on their own. 

This is were S4 comes in.  It is the perfect supplemental soccer training!  

S4 teaches full teams, small groups, and 1-on-1 training!  Come see why S4 is the fastest growing Soccer Training around!

Don't Be Left Behind


S4 trainers have a vast amount of playing and teaching experience, with most having played at the college and/or semi-pro level. They have each been taught by owner and Head Trainer, Brian Wiefering,  in an effort to make sure all trainers are using the same soccer language, and teaching each move the same way. 


Brian's highest honor was being selected as the top Club Coach in Kentucky in 2014 by US Youth Soccer.  Brian approached his first club team, coaching a group of 2nd grade classmates of all different athletic levels, focusing 90% of his attention on technical dribbling skills.  Without ever cutting a player from his club team, he was able to continually take this team to the finals and semi-finals of the Kentucky State Cup.  


Brian coached club for 14 years, and then began coachig at Highlands High School for 8 years, coaching the Varsity team for 4 years.  In those 4 years, Brian doubled the amount of wins compared to the previous 4 years, playing a much tougher strength of schedule.  In 2016, by mid-season, his team was ranked as high as 7th in the Nation by the USA Today poll .  Brian trains and works with professional athletes everyday, but has no remorse in stating that working with young soccer athletes is his truest passion!  


Currently Brian trains all PRO teams at NKSA (Northern Kentucky Soccer Academy). 



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  • USSF National Youth Diploma (6 hours)

  • USSF E License (60+ hours)

  • USSF D License (60+ hours)

  • NSCAA Advanced Diploma  (60+ hours) 

  • HHS Freshmen Soccer Coach 2011-2014

  • HHS Varsity Soccer Coach 2015-2018

  • Selected by US Youth Soccer as the 2014 Club Coach of the Year in Kentucky

  • High School Teacher—Exercise Science 2013-2014 year

  • Voted 2013 Best Personal Trainer in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky by City Beat

  • WieFit voted 2013 Best Business by NBA (Newport Business Association)

  • WieFit voted 2014, ’15, ’16 Best Personal Training Center in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky by City Beat with our Soccer Training program being a large part of WieFit’s Training.

Brian Wiefering receiving his Club Coach of the Year award

from Kentucky's Director of Coaching, Adrian Parrish.



1-on-1 Training (30 Minute Sessions)...................40 Session Package  $29 per Session........Total: $1160 (Best Value!)

1-on-1 Training (30 Minute Sessions)...................20 Session Package  $35 per Session........Total: $700

1-on-1 Training (30 Minute Sessions)...................10 Session Package  $39 per Session........Total: $390


1-on-1 Training (60 Minute Sessions)....................40 Session Package $45 per Session........Total: $1800 (Best Value!)

1-on-1 Training (60 Minute Sessions)....................20 Session Package $50 per Session........Total: $1000

1-on-1 Training (60 Minute Sessions)....................10 Session Package $55 per Session........Total: $550


2-on-1 Training (30 Minute Sessions)...................40 Session Package  $44 per Session........Total: $1760 (Best Value!)

2-on-1 Training (30 Minute Sessions)...................20 Session Package  $50 per Session........Total: $1000

2-on-1 Training (30 Minute Sessions)...................10 Session Package  $54 per Session........Total: $540


2-on-1 Training (60 Minute Sessions)....................40 Session Package $60 per Session........Total: $2400 (Best Value!)

2-on-1 Training (60 Minute Sessions)....................20 Session Package $65 per Session........Total: $1300

2-on-1 Training (60 Minute Sessions)....................10 Session Package $70 per Session........Total: $700



3-4 Students.............................................................................. $30 per Student per 1-hour Session

5-9 Students.............................................................................. $25 per Student per 1-hour Session

10-14 Students......................................................................... $20 per Student per 1-hour Session

15+ Students..............................................................................$15 per Student per 1-hour Session





Note:  All payment is due upfront

Note:  30-minute sessions are only available for 1-on-1 and/or 2-on-1 training.  

Note: A coach or parent administrator must collect and make 1 payment for their group or team.  If a student cannot make one of the scheduled trainings, there will be no refunds or make-up trainings.  Each group is treated as one entity. 



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© 2015 by Wiefit Training. 

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 S4 - Step By Step Soccer School
  Wiefit Studio
  846 Monmouth Street, 
  Newport KY 41071
   (We can train teams at their field if desired)



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